Helping patients find alternative health treatments

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Impact health research at renowned organizations👇

Why should I participate in clinical trials?

How it works

Providing patients with a simple & transparent clinical trial journey

Browse studies by location or condition

Explore trials that may be a good fit. If you're unsure about your fit, just fill out your profile & we'll connect you

Complete a quick preliminary screener

Complete a simple screening form so we can let you know if you qualify. You'll hear back within 48 hours

Connect with the clinical team

If the trial is a fit for you, the clinical team will get in touch help you get started and answer any questions you may have

Enroll in the clinical trial

Once enrolled, you'll be monitored by experts to ensure your health & safety. It's your right to withdraw at anytime.

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"Honeybee has helped me to know I'm not alone and research is ongoing."

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Hear from these clinical trial patients

For the first time, participants are empowered to take charge of their health through clinical trial participation.

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